House District 46B Endorsing Convention Information

House District 46B Endorsing Convention Information

I am seeking and abiding by the DFL endorsement. The endorsement for 46B will be decided at the House District 46B endorsing convention following the State Convention.

In order to be a delegate to the House District Endorsing Convention, you must have signed up at the precinct caucuses which were held February 4, 2014.

The House District 46B Endorsing Convention will be held on Sunday, June 1, 2014 starting at 3:00 pm at the St Louis Park Senior High School, 6425 West 33rd Street, St. Louis Park, MN 55426.  Check-in begins at 2:00 pm.

Why I’m Running

Why I’m Running

Dear Neighbor,

Minnesota is a special place. When Jacques and I decided to put down roots, raise a family and build our lives in Hopkins 16 years ago, we knew we had picked a wonderful  community and we have not been disappointed. It has been a great place to live, work, play and raise our three kids.

My parents taught me that great communities don’t just happen, they are built by the people who live in them. I have had a chance, with many of you, to give back to the community that we love. With your help I have been honored to spend the last eight years on the Hopkins City Council as well as serve on the Southwest Light Rail Transit Corridor Management Committee for the last two year. Together we have pushed for Early Childhood education, advocated for our schools as part of the Hopkins Legislative Action Coalition and worked side-by-side as a part of the Alice Smith PTO. Now, I am ready to take the next step.

Our friend and State Representative Steve Simon is running for the office of the Minnesota’s Secretary of State. If he receives that endorsement, his House seat (46B) will be open. I intend to run for State Representative in House District 46B to represent Hopkins and St. Louis Park.

I am running for State House to make sure that government is working for ordinary people like us. As our economy bounces back, there will be tough decisions and strategic investments to be made. Like you, I know that we need to have a balanced approach in educating our children. We need to continue our investment in Early Childhood, to find stable funding for our K-12 system and to make sure higher education is affordable for the next generation. We also need to invest in a multi-modal transportation system to relieve our congested roads and the complete  the Southwest Light Rail Transit line. And, we need to continue to grow our economy by supporting our local businesses as well as raising the minimum wage so that a 40-hour work week puts  a roof over ones head and food on the table.

My experience as a city council member, as well as a community leader and advocate, makes me the right choice to fill Rep. Simon’s seat if he is endorsed for Secretary of State. I would like to take my balanced approach and proven leadership skills to the Capitol . I would be honored to have your support early on in this campaign so that, together, we can leave our little corner of the world a little better than we found it. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,